Assistant Professor, Anthropology DepartmentCo-director, Orang Asli Health and Lifeways Project (OAHeLP)
Languages spoken
- Functional, Batek
- Functional, Standard Malay
International Activities
International Publications
- Bolivia: Lea, AJ, Garcia, AR, Arevalo, JMG, Ayroles, JF, Buetow, K, Cole, SW, Rodriguez, DE, Guttierez, M, Highland, HM, Hooper, P, Justice, A, Kraft, TS, North, KE, Stieglitz, J, Kaplan, HS, Trumble, BC & Gurven, M (2023). Natural selection of immune and metabolic genes associated with health in two lowland Bolivian populations. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences USA. Vol. 120, e2207544120., 01/03/2023
- Bolivia, Malaysia: Kraft, T.S., Cummings, D.K., Venkataraman, V.V., Alami, S., Beheim, B., Hooper, P., Seabright, E., Trumble, B.C., Stieglitz, J., Kaplan, H., Endicott, K.L., Endicott, K.E. & Gurven, M (2022). Female cooperative labor networks in hunter-gatherers and horticulturalists. Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society B. Vol. 378, 20210431., 11/28/2022
- Bolivia: Seabright, E., Alami, S., Kraft, T.S., Davis, H., Caldwell, A.E., Hooper, P., McAllister, P., Mulville, L.S., Veile, A., von Rueden, C., Trumble, B., Stieglitz, J, Gurven, M.D. & Kaplan, H. (2022). Repercussions of patrilocal residence on mothers' social support networks among Tsimane forager-farmers. Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society B. Vol. 378, 20210442., 11/28/2022
- Malaysia: Wallace, I.J., Lea, A.J., Lim, Y., Chow, S.K., Sayed, I.b.M., Ngui, R., Shaffee, M.T.H, Ng, K.S., Nicholas, C., Venkataraman, V.V. & Kraft, T.S (2022). Orang Asli Health and Lifeways Project (OA HeLP): a cross-sectional cohort study protocol. BMJ Open. Vol. 12, e058660., 09/20/2022 ECOLOGICAL & ENVIRONMENTAL CHANGE
- Bolivia: Wallace, I.J., Kraft, T.S., Venkataraman, V.V., Davis, H.E., Holowka, N.B., Harris, A.R., Lieberman, D.E. & Gurven, M.D. (2022). Cultural variation in running techniques among non-industrial societies. Evolutionary Human Sciences. Vol. 4, e14., 04/11/2022
- Bolivia: Holowka, NB, Kraft, TS, Wallace, IJ, Gurven, M & Venkataraman, VV (2022). Forest terrains influence walking kinematics among indigenous Tsimane of the Bolivian Amazon. Evolutionary Human Sciences. Vol. 4, e19., 04/22/2022
- Bolivia, Tanzania: Kraft, TS, Venkataraman, VV, Wallace, IJ, Crittenden, AN, Holowka, N, Stieglitz, J, Harris, J, Wood, B, Raichlen, D, Gurven, M & Pontzer, H (2021). The energetics of uniquely human subsistence strategies. Science. Vol. 374, eabf0130., 12/24/2021
- Bolivia: Schneider-Crease, I, Blackwell, AD, Kraft, TS, Thompson, ME, Suarez, IM, Cummings, DK, Stieglitz, J, Snyder-Mackler, N, Gurven, M, Kaplan, H & Trumble, BC (2021). Helminth infection is associated with dampened cytokine responses to viral and bacterial stimulations in Tsimane forager-horticulturalists. Evolution, Medicine, and Public Health. Vol. 9, 349-359., 10/26/2021 ECOLOGICAL & ENVIRONMENTAL CHANGE
- Bolivia: Garcia, AR, Finch, CE, Gatz, M, Kraft, TS, Cummings, D, Charifson, M, Rodriguez, DE, Buetow, K, Beheim, B, Allayee, H, Thomas, G, Stieglitz, J, Gurven, M, Kaplan, H & Trumble, BC (2021). APOE4 is associated with elevated blood lipids and lower levels of innate immune biomarkers in a tropical Amerindian subsistence population. eLife. Vol. 10, e68231., 09/29/2021
- Bolivia: Jaeggi, AV, Blackwell, AD, von Rueden, C, Trumble, B, Stieglitz, J, Garcia, A, Kraft, TS, Kaplan, H & Gurven, M (2021). Do wealth and inequality associate with health in a small-scale subsistence society?. eLife. Vol. 10, e59437., 05/14/2021 ECOLOGICAL & ENVIRONMENTAL CHANGE
- Bolivia: Rowan, C, Eskander, MA, Seabright, E, Rodriguez, DE, Linares, EC, Gutierrez, RQ, Adrian, JC, Cummings, D, Beheim, B, Tolstrup, K, Achrekar, A, Kraft, TS, Michalik, DE, Miyamoto, MI, Allam, AH, Wann, LS, Narula, J, Trumble, BC, Stieglitz, J, Thompson, RC, Thomas, G, Kaplan, H & Gurven, M (2021). Very low prevalence and incidence of atrial fibrillation among Bolivian forager-farmers. Annals of Global Health. Vol. 87., 02/16/2021
- Bolivia: Gurven, M*, Kraft, TS*, Alami, S, Copajira, AJ, Linares, EC, Cummings, D, Rodriguez, DE, Hooper, PL, Jaeggi, AV, Gutierrez, QR, Suarez, IM, Seabright, E, Kaplan, H, Stieglitz, J & Trumble, B (2020). Rapidly declining body temperature in a tropical population. Science Advances. Vol. 6, eabc6599., 10/28/2020
- Namibia: Snorek, J, Kraft, TS, Chockalingam, V, Gao, A & Ray, M (2020). How social connections to local CBNRM institutions shape interaction: a mixed methods case from Namibia. Journal of Sustainable Development. Vol. 13, 26-42., 10/12/2020
- Bolivia: Kraft, TS, Stieglitz, J, Trumble, BC, Garcia, AR, Kaplan, H & Gurven, M (2020). Multi-system physiological dysregulation and ageing in a subsistence population. Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society B. Vol. 375, 20190500., 09/21/2020
- Malaysia: Koster, J, McElreath, R, Hill, K, Yu, D, Shepard, G, van Vliet, N, Gurven, M, Trumble, BC, Bird, RB, Bird, D, Codding, B, Coad, L, Pacheco-Cobos, L, Winterhalder, B, Lupo, K, Schmitt, D, Sillitoe, P, Franzen, M, Alvard, M, Venkataraman, VV, Kraft, TS, Endicott, K, Beckerman, S, Marks, SA, Headland, T, Pangau-Adam, M, Siren, A, Kramer, K, Greaves, R, Reyes-Garcia, V, Gueze, M, Duda, R, Fernandez-Llamazares, A, Gallois, S, Napitupulu, L, Ellen, R, Ziker, J, Nielsen, MR, Ready, E, Healey, C & Ross, C (2020). The life history of human foraging: cross-cultural and individual variation. Science Advances. Vol. 6, eaax9070., 06/24/2020
- Bolivia: Gurven, M, Davison, R & Kraft, TS (2020). The optimal timing of teaching and learning across the life course. Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society B. Vol. 375, 20190500., 06/01/2020
- Bolivia: Kaplan, HS, Trumble, BC, Stieglitz, J, Mamany, RM, Cayuba, MG, Moye, LM, Alami, S, Kraft, TS, Gutierrez, RQ, Adrian, JC, Thompson, RC, Thomas, GS, Michalik, DE, Rodriguez, DE & Gurven, M (2020). Voluntary collective isolation as a best response to COVID-19 for indigenous populations? A case study and protocol from the Bolivian Amazon. The Lancet. Vol. 395, 1727-1734., 05/30/2020
- Malaysia: Kraft, TS, Venkataraman, VV, Endicott, KL & Endicott, KM (2020). Preserving quantifiable ethnographic records of disappearing human lifeways. Evolutionary Anthropology. Vol. 29, 117-124., 05/29/2020
- Bolivia: Alami, S, von Rueden, C, Seabright, E, Kraft, TS, Blackwell, AD, Stieglitz, J, Kaplan, H & Gurven, M (2020). Mother’s social status is associated with child health in a horticulturalist population. Proceedings of the Royal Society B. Vol. 287, 20192783., 03/11/2020
- Bolivia: Dinkel, KA, Costa, ME, Kraft, TS, Stieglitz, J, Cummings, DK, Gurven, M, Kaplan, H & Trumble, BC (2019). Relationship of sanitation, water boiling, and mosquito nets to health biomarkers in a rural subsistence population. American Journal of Human Biology. Vol. 32, e23356., 12/10/2019
- Bolivia: Anderson, A, Trumble, BC, Hove, C, Kraft, TS, Kaplan, H, Gurven, M & Blackwell, AD (2019). Old friends and friendly fire: Costs of hookworm infection during pregnancy among tropical horticulturalists. American Journal of Human Biology. Vol. 32, e23337., 10/23/2019
- Malaysia: Kraft, TS, Venkataraman, VV, Tacey, IC, Kawai, A, Dominy, NJ & Endicott, KM (2018). Foraging performance, prosociality, and kin support do not predict lifetime reproductive success in Batek hunter-gatherers. Human Nature. Vol. 30, 71-97., 12/14/2018
- Malaysia: Venkataraman, VV, Yegian, AK, Wallace, IJ, Holowka, N, Tacey, I, Gurven, M & Kraft, TS (2018). Locomotor constraints favor the evolution of the human pygmy phenotype in tropical rainforests. Proceedings of the Royal Society B. Vol. 285, 20181492., 11/07/2018
- Bolivia: Kraft, TS, Stieglitz, J, Trumble, BC, Martin, M, Kaplan, H & Gurven, M (2018). Nutrition transition in two lowland Bolivian subsistence populations. American Journal of Clinical Nutrition. Vol. 108, 1183-1195., 10/21/2018
- Malaysia: Venkataraman, VV, Kraft, TS, Dominy, NJ & Endicott, KM (2017). Hunter-gatherer residential mobility and the marginal value of rainforest patches. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences USA. Vol. 114, 3097-3102., 03/06/2017
- Malaysia, Panama, Uganda: Kraft, TS, Wright, SJ, Turner, I, Lucas, PW, Oufiero, CE, Supardi Noor, MN, Sun, I-F & Dominy, NJ (2015). Seed size and the evolution of leaf mechanical defenses. Journal of Ecology. Vol. 103, 1057-1068., 07/01/2015
- Uganda: Venkataraman, VV, Kraft, TS & Dominy, NJ (2012). Tree climbing and human evolution. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences USA. Vol. 110, 1237-1242., 12/31/2012
International Presentations
- Bolivia: Garcia AR, Lu YK, Gatz M, Rodriguez DE, Gutierrez RQ, Adrian JC, Cuata, JB, Sutherland ML, Sutherland JD, Cummings DK, Kraft TS, Mack WJ, Chui HC, Law M, Barisano G, Borenstein AR, Irimia A, Walters EE, Thomas GS, Thompson RC, Miyamoto MI, Michalik DE, Wann LS, Allam AH, Rowan CJ, Highland HM, North KE, Finch CE, Stieglitz J, Gurven MD, Trumble BC, Kaplan H, Buetow K. Pathway-based genome analysis of cognitive impairment in a forager-horticulturalist South American population. Podium presentation: Alzheimer's Association International Conference. 18: e062367. , 12/20/2022
International Grants
- Malaysia: Early life effects on health during rapid lifestyle change: evolutionary and molecular mechanisms. PI: Amanda Lea. Co-PI(s): Thomas Kraft, Ian Wallace, 04/15/2022-03/31/2025 ECOLOGICAL & ENVIRONMENTAL CHANGE
Countries and Regions of Interest
- Bolivia
- Malaysia