Office for Global Engagement





Professor, Sch Of Environ,Society&Sustain
Associate Professor, Sch Of Environ,Society&Sustain
Associate Director, Global Change and Sustainability Center

International Activities

International Publications

  • Afghanistan, Bhutan, China, India, Nepal, Pakistan: Mishra, Shruti, S. Rupper, S. Kapnich, K. Casey, H. Chan, E. Ciraci, U. Haritashya, J. Hayse, J. Kargel, R. Kayastha, N. Krakauer, S. Kumar, R. Lammers, V. Maggioni, S. Margulis, M. Olson, B. Osmanoglu, Y. Qian, S. Richey, K. Rittger, D. Rounce, D. Shean, I. Velicogna, T. Veselka & A. Arendt (2021). Grand challenges of hydrologic modeling for food-energy-water nexus security in High Mountain Asia. Frontiers in Water., 09/02/2021 ENERGY WATER CLIMATE CHANGE FOOD SYSTEMS
  • Chile, Peru: L Vargo* & J Galewski, S Rupper, D Ward (2018). Sensitivity of glaciation in the arid subtropical Andes to changes in temperature, precipitation, and solar radiation. Global and Planetary Change. Vol. 163, 86-96., 10/2018
  • Bhutan, China, India: J Maurer & S Rupper, J Schaefer (2016). Quantifying ice loss in the eastern Himalayas since 1974 using declassified spy satellite imagery. The Cryosphere., 10/2016
  • Chile: E Sagredo & T Lowell, M Kelly, S Rupper, D Ward, J Aravena, A Malone (2016). Equilibrium line altitudes along the Andes during the last Millennium: Paleoclimatic implications. The Holocene. 1-15., 08/2016 CLIMATE CHANGE

International Presentations

  • Global: Sea Level Rise NSF Workshop, Columbia University, 06/27/2023
  • Bhutan, China, India, Nepal: High Mountain Asia Research and Practice Dialogue Workshop, Keynote Address, Kathmandu, Nepal, 05/11/2023 BUILT ENVIRONMENT & COMMUNITIES ENERGY WATER CLIMATE CHANGE
  • Antarctica: *Keeler, D., S, Rupper, R. Forster, C. Miege, 2018. Estimates of annual surface mass balance from radar for the West Antarcitc Idvide using an automated layer picker. AGU, Fall Meeting., 12/13/2018 CLIMATE CHANGE
  • Bhutan, India, Nepal: *Olson M., S. Rupper, 2018. Spatial and temporal changes in aerosol radiative forcing on glaciers in the eastern Himalaya. AGU, Fall Meeting., 12/13/2018 WATER CLIMATE CHANGE AIR QUALITY
  • Afghanistan, Bhutan, China, India, Nepal, Pakistan: Huybers, K., S. Rupper, 2018. Understanding the rate of mass loss for debris-covered glaciers in High Mountain Asia. AGU, Fall Meeting., 12/12/2018 WATER CLIMATE CHANGE
  • Antarctica: *Krueger, J., S. Rupper, 2018. Examining the influence of tropical Pacific sea-surface temperatures on annual surface mass balance in West Antarctica. AGU, Fall Meeting., 12/11/2018 CLIMATE CHANGE
  • China, India, Pakistan: *Riley, C., S. Rupper, J. Steenburgh, C. Strong, A. Kochanski, 2018. Characteristics of extreme precipitation events in High Mountain Asia as inferred from high resolution regional climate modeling. AGU, Fall Meeting., 12/10/2018 WATER CLIMATE CHANGE
  • Bhutan, China, India, Nepal, Pakistan: *Johnson, E., S. Rupper, S. Kapnick, D. Rounce, I. Velicogna, J. Maurer, 2018. An analysis of the physical processes controlling observed spatial trends in glacier mass balances across High Mountain Asia. AGU, Fall Meeting., 12/04/2018 WATER CLIMATE CHANGE

International Professional Service

  • Afghanistan, Bhutan, China, India, Nepal, Pakistan: Associate Editor for special issue, Frontiers of Earth Science, 07/16/2018-11/02/2020 WATER CLIMATE CHANGE AIR QUALITY

Countries and Regions of Interest

  • Antarctica
  • Argentina
  • Austria
  • Bhutan
  • Canada
  • Chile
  • India
  • Nepal
  • Norway
  • Pakistan
  • Peru
  • Switzerland