Office for Global Engagement





Director, Environmental & Sustainability
Professor, Anthropology Department

International Activities

International Publications

  • Africa: Sokolowski, Kathryn, Brian F. Codding, Andrew Du, and J. Tyler Faith (2023) Do grazers equal grasslands? Strengthening paleoenvironmental inferences through analysis of present-day African mammals. Palaeogeography, Palaeoclimatology, Palaeoecology 629:111786. DOI: 10.1016/j.palaeo.2023.111786. [link], 11/01/2023
  • Peru: McCool, Weston C., Amy S. Anderson, Alexis Ja'net Baide, Toni Gonzalez and Brian F. Codding (2023) Evaluating the relationships between climate change, population pressure, economic intensification, and childhood stress in the Prehispanic Nasca region of Peru. Quaternary International. DOI: 10.1016/j.quaint.2023.06.003. [link], 06/11/2023 ECOLOGICAL & ENVIRONMENTAL CHANGE
  • Mexico: Broughton, Jack M., Brian F. Codding, J. Tyler Faith, Kathryn A. Mohlenhoff, Ruth Gruhn, Joan Brenner-Coltrain, and Isaac A. Hart. (2022). El Niño frequency threshold controls coastal biotic communities. Science 377(6611): 1202-1205. [link] [press] [news], 08/2022 CLIMATE CHANGE ECOLOGICAL & ENVIRONMENTAL CHANGE
  • Global: Bliege Bird, Rebecca and Brian F. Codding (2022) Promise and peril of ecological and evolutionary modelling using cross-cultural datasets. Nature Ecology and Evolution 6:6-8. DOI: 10.1038/s41559-021-01579-w. [link], 06/2022 ECOLOGICAL & ENVIRONMENTAL CHANGE
  • Global: McCool Weston C., Kenneth B. Vernon, Peter M. Yaworsky, and Brian F. Codding (2022) Subsistence strategy mediates ecological drivers of human violence. PLoS ONE 17(5): e0268257. DOI: 10.1371/journal.pone.0268257. [link], 05/23/2022
  • Peru: McCool, Weston C., Brian F. Codding, Kenneth B. Vernon, Kurt M. Wilson, Peter M. Yaworsky, Norbert Marwan, and Douglas J. Kennett (2022) Climate change–induced population pressure drives high rates of lethal violence in the Prehispanic central Andes. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences 119 (17) e2117556119. DOI: 10.1073/pnas.2117556119. [link] [press], 04/21/2022 ECOLOGICAL & ENVIRONMENTAL CHANGE
  • South America: Wilson, Kurt M, Weston C McCool, Simon C Brewer, Nicole Zamora-Wilson, Percy J Schryver, Roxanne Lois F Lamson, Ashlyn M Huggard, Joan Brenner Coltrain, Daniel A Contreras, and Brian F Codding (2022) Climate and demography drive 7000 years of dietary change in the Central Andes. Scientific Reports. DOI: 10.1038/s41598-022-05774-y. [link] [press], 02/07/2022 ECOLOGICAL & ENVIRONMENTAL CHANGE
  • Global: Wilson, Kurt M. and Brian F. Codding (2020) The Marginal Utility of Inequality: A Global Examination across Ethnographic Societies. Human Nature 31: 361-386. 10.1007/s12110-020-09383-4. [link], 12/2020
  • Global: Koster, Jeremy + 40 co-authors (2020) The Life History of Human Foraging: Cross-Cultural and Individual Variation. Science Advances 6(26): eaax9070. DOI: 10.1126/sciadv.aax9070., 06/24/2020
  • Australia: Zeanah, David W., Brian F. Codding, Rebecca Bliege Bird and Douglas W. Bird (2017) Mosaics of fire and water: the co-emergence of anthropogenic landscapes and intensive seed exploitation in the Australian arid zone. Australian Archaeology 83:2-19 . DOI: 10.1080/03122417.2017.1359876. [link], 08/09/2017 ECOLOGICAL & ENVIRONMENTAL CHANGE
  • Australia: Codding, Brian F., David W. Zeanah, Rebecca Bliege Bird, Christopher H. Parker and Douglas W. Bird (2016) Martu Ethnoarchaeology: Foraging Ecology and the Marginal Value of Site Structure. Journal of Anthropological Archaeology 44:166-176. DOI: 10.1016/j.jaa.2016.07.011. [link], 11/19/2016
  • Australia, Botswana, Canada, Central African Republic, Namibia, Tanzania, Venezuela: Codding, Brian F. and Karen L. Kramer (eds) (2016) Why Forage? Hunters and Gatherers in the 21st Century. School for Advanced Research and University of New Mexico Press, Santa Fe and Albuquerque, New Mexico. [link], 05/31/2016
  • Australia: Codding, Brian F., Rebecca Bliege Bird, Douglas W. Bird and David W. Zeanah (2016) Alternative Aboriginal Economies: Martu Livelihoods in the 21st Century. In Why Forage? Hunters and Gatherers in the 21st Century, edited by Brian F. Codding and Karen L. Kramer. School for Advanced Research and University of New Mexico Press, Santa Fe and Albuquerque, New Mexico. [link], 05/31/2016
  • Australia: Bliege Bird, Rebecca, Brian F. Codding and Douglas W. Bird (2016) Economic, social and ecological contexts of hunting, sharing and fire in the Western Desert of Australia. In Why Forage? Hunters and Gatherers in the 21st Century, edited by Brian F. Codding and Karen L. Kramer. School for Advanced Research and University of New Mexico Press, Santa Fe and Albuquerque, New Mexico. [link], 05/31/2016
  • Australia: Bliege Bird, R., Douglas W. Bird and Brian F. Codding (2016) People, El Nino southern oscillation and fire in Australia: fire regimes and climate controls in hummock grasslands. Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society B. 371. DOI: 10.1098/rstb.2015.0343. [link], 05/23/2016
  • Australia: Bird, Douglas W., Rebecca Bliege Bird, Brian F. Codding and Nyalangka Taylor (2016) A landscape architecture of fire: cultural emergence and ecological pyrodiversity in Australia's Western Desert. Current Anthropology 57(S 13). DOI:10.1086/685763. [link], 05/09/2016
  • Australia: Bird, Douglas W., Rebecca Bliege Bird and Brian F. Codding (2016) Pyrodiversity and the anthropocene: the role of fire in the broad spectrum revolution. Evolutionary Anthropology 25: 105-116. DOI: 10.1002/evan.21482. [link], 05/2016
  • Australia: Codding, Brian F., Douglas W. Bird and Rebecca Bliege Bird (2015) Why Not Work for the Mine? Costs and Benefits of Extractive Economies in Remote Aboriginal Australia. Cultural Anthropology Online, Fieldsights: Hotspots 771. [link]., 12/17/2015
  • Australia: Codding, Brian F., Douglas W. Bird and Rebecca Bliege Bird (2015) The Real Cost of Closing Remote Communities: The contribution made by traditional Indigenous economies. Arena Magazine 135:5-7 [link], 04/2015
  • Australia: Zeanah, David W., Brian F. Codding, Douglas W. Bird, Rebecca Bliege Bird and Peter M. Veth (2015) Diesel and Damper: Changes in seed use and mobility patterns following contact amongst the Martu of Western Australia. Journal of Anthropological Archaeology 39:51-62 [link]., 02/2015
  • Australia: Codding, Brian F., Rebecca Bliege Bird, Peter G. Kauhanen and Douglas W. Bird (2014) Conservation or Co-evolution? Intermediate levels of Aboriginal burning and hunting have positive effects on kangaroo populations in Western Australia. Human Ecology 42:659-669. [link] [pdf], 08/05/2014
  • Australia: Codding, Brian F., James F. O'Connell and Douglas W. Bird (2014) Shellfishing and the Colonization of Sahul: A multivariate model evaluating the dynamic effects of prey utility, transport considerations and life history on foraging patterns and midden composition. Journal of Island & Coastal Archaeology 9:238-252. [link] [pdf], 07/17/2014