Professor, Atmospheric SciencesAssistant Professor, Atmospheric Sciences
International Activities
International Publications
- Global: John Lin, Logan Mitchell, Erik Crosman, Daniel Mendoza, Martin Buchert, Ryan Bares, Ben Fasoli, David Bowling, Diane Pataki, Douglas Catharine, Courtenay Strong, Kevin Gurney, Risa Patarasuk, Munkhbayar Baasandorj, Alexander Jacques, Sebastian Hoch, John Horel & Jim Ehleringer (2018). CO2 and Carbon Emissions from Cities: Linkages to Air Quality, Socioeconomic Activity, and Stakeholders in the Salt Lake City Urban Area . Bulletin of the American Meteorological Society., 12/12/2018 CLIMATE CHANGE
- Global: Ekaterina Cherniavskaia , Ivan Sudakov, Kenneth M. Golden & Courtenay Strong (2018). Observed winter salinity fields in the surface layer of the Arctic Ocean and statistical approaches to predicting large-scale anomalies and patterns. Annals of Glaciology., 04/23/2018 CLIMATE CHANGE
- United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland: Strong C, Maberly SC, 2011. The influence of atmospheric wave dynamics on interannual variation in the surface temperature of lakes in the English Lake District. Global Change Biology, 17, 2013-2022, 06/01/2011
International Presentations
- Canada: Mathematical aspects of marginal ice zone width, Mathematics of Sea Ice conference, Vancouver, British Columbia , 09/2015
- Canada: Arctic atmosphere-sea ice interactions and feedback. Noble Seminar Series, University of Toronto Atmospheric Physics Group, Toronto, Canada , 03/2014
- Switzerland: Ehleringer J, Lin J, Pataki D, Strong C, Gurney K, McKain K, Stephens B. Urban greenhouse gas observations. Oral presentation at International Conference "Towards a Global Carbon Observing System: Progresses and Challenges,” 1-2 October 2013, Geneva, Switzerland. , 10/2013
International Teaching
- Pakistan: Water and Climate, 12/01/2016-05/31/2017
International Media
- Global: WIRED “Magnetic materials help explain how Arctic ice melts,” 05 July 2019. , 07/24/2019
Countries and Regions of Interest
- Antarctica
- Canada
- Nepal
- Pakistan